Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
5:30p CSN内华达承诺奖学金工作坊(面对面) 南内华达大学亨德森校区 700 College Drive, Henderson, NV 89002)Tue, October 1 , 5:30pm - 7:00pm南内华达大学亨德森校区 700 College Drive, Henderson, NV 89002面对面的会议将包括CSN信息,并协助NV承诺奖学金申请和CSN入学申请Session 1- 3:30-4:30PMSession 2-5:30-6:30PM在本次信息会上,CSN将解释申请奖学金的资格流程, answer questions, 并协助初始申请流程.*MUST RSVPContact Information:Email: promise@csn.eduPhone:702-651-7500
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
5:30p CSN Nevada Promise Scholarships (In-Person) (CSN West Charleston 内华达州拉斯维加斯查尔斯顿大道西6375号Wed, October 2 , 5:30pm - 7:00pmCSN West Charleston 拉斯维加斯查尔斯顿大道6375号,内华达州89146面对面的会议将包括CSN信息,并协助NV承诺奖学金申请和CSN入学申请Session 1- 3:30-4:30PMSession 2- 5:30-6:30PM在本次信息会上,CSN将解释申请奖学金的资格流程, answer questions, 并协助初始申请流程.*MUST RSVPContact Information:Email: promise@csn.eduPhone:702-651-7500
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
Panda Express Virtual Community Fundraise (Virtual)Thu, October 3VirtualHi there Innovators!加入我们的熊猫快餐筹款活动将于2024年10月3日星期四举行.Use the code 9252523为了支持,任何人都可以在www网上订购(取货或送货).Pandaexpress.Com,并在筹款栏中输入代码:9252523.
5:30p CSN Nevada Promise Scholarships (In-Person) 南内华达学院北拉斯维加斯校区 北拉斯维加斯夏延大道3200号,内华达州89030)Thu, October 3 , 5:30pm - 7:00pm南内华达大学北拉斯维加斯校区 北拉斯维加斯夏延大道3200号,内华达州89030面对面的会议将包括CSN信息,并协助NV承诺奖学金申请和CSN入学申请Session 1- 3:30-4:30PMSession 2- 5:30-6:30PM在本次信息会上,CSN将解释申请奖学金的资格流程, answer questions, 并协助初始申请流程.*MUST RSVPContact Information:Email: promise@csn.eduPhone:702-651-7500
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
3:00p AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS 南内华达学院北拉斯维加斯校区 3200 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Building N, Room-103)Tue, October 8 , 3:00pm - 4:30pm南内华达大学北拉斯维加斯校区 3200 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Building N, Room-103你准备好迈向有回报的职业了吗as an Automotive Technician?
- Understand the enrollment process.
- Explore financial aid options.
- 了解汽车技术领域的就业机会.
- Connect with CSN Faculty and Staff
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
bat365 K-12 Students and Staff Photo Day (bat365 3050 E Flamingo Road)Fri, October 11bat365 3050 E Flamingo RoadGet your 24-25 school photos taken today!FAQ'sHow do I order?
- No pre-orders! 我们通过电子邮件/文本提供当天的bat365校样! 😃 Our families can view, get prices, 订购并分享他们孩子的惊人照片,就像照片日一样. 我们给我们的家庭在拍摄日之后的7天内订购,免费批量送货到他们的学校,或者你可以把它寄回家(运费适用)。! Photo Guys在整个学年提供方便的24/7在线订购!
What's Picture Day like?- Fun and organized! 我们播放音乐,创建图片日时间表,使用现代灯光风格和设备. 我们的真正的摄影师团队将带出最好的每个人! 我们的工作就是让你看起来最好! 😎
Missed Picture Day?- 你有没有错过任何个人肖像课程的照片日? Need a quiet environment? 或者你需要另一个机会来拍一张令人惊叹的照片? Schedule your In-Studio Session today! 这是一个一对一的课程,我们训练有素的摄影师在我们的工作室. 预约您的会议预约需要支付不可退还的费用. 请bat365的工作室安排您今天的课程!
- 另一个bat365 K-12学生和工作人员拍照日将于10月18日星期五举行.
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
3:00p CSN Financial Aid 101 In-Person Sessions (College of Southern Nevada 6375 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Building C-227)Tue, October 15 , 3:00pm - 4:30pmCollege of Southern Nevada 6375 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Building C-227Money Matters:Come and learn all about financial aid!How to qualify, 如何保留每学期的助学金,并在哪里找到资金和资源方面获得有用的建议.
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
3:00p CSN Financial Aid 101 In-Person Sessions 南内华达大学亨德森校区 700 College Dr. Henderson, NV 89002 Building C-108)Wed, October 16 , 3:00pm - 4:30pm南内华达大学亨德森校区 700 College Dr. Henderson, NV 89002 Building C-108Money Matters:Come and learn all about financial aid!How to qualify, 如何保留每学期的助学金,并在哪里找到资金和资源方面获得有用的建议.
5:00p 为接受个性化教育计划(IEPs)的高中生提供的过渡资源 (Virtual meeting)Wed, October 16 , 5:00pm - 6:00pmVirtual meeting
Dear Parents,
我们诚挚地邀请您参加一个虚拟会议,该会议的主题是为接受个性化教育项目(IEPs)的高中生提供的过渡资源。. 我们的过渡专家将与社区组织的代表一起参加, 包括职业康复和沙漠区域中心, 谁会提供有价值的信息和资源来支持你的孩子从高中到职场的过渡.
We encourage you to join us on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 下午5点到6点参加这个重要的说明会.
请加入会议链接,将出现在我们的 bmzolcz.com pop-
up 1 hour before the meeting. 谢谢,我们期待您的参与.
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
bat365 K-12 Students and Staff Photo Day (bat365 3050 E Flamingo Road)Fri, October 18bat365 3050 E Flamingo RoadGet your 24-25 school photos taken today!FAQ'sHow do I order?
- No pre-orders! 我们通过电子邮件/文本提供当天的bat365校样! 😃 Our families can view, get prices, 订购并分享他们孩子的惊人照片,就像照片日一样. 我们给我们的家庭在拍摄日之后的7天内订购,免费批量送货到他们的学校,或者你可以把它寄回家(运费适用)。! Photo Guys在整个学年提供方便的24/7在线订购!
What's Picture Day like?- Fun and organized! 我们播放音乐,创建图片日时间表,使用现代灯光风格和设备. 我们的真正的摄影师团队将带出最好的每个人! 我们的工作就是让你看起来最好! 😎
Missed Picture Day?- 你有没有错过任何个人肖像课程的照片日? Need a quiet environment? 或者你需要另一个机会来拍一张令人惊叹的照片? Schedule your In-Studio Session today! 这是一个一对一的课程,我们训练有素的摄影师在我们的工作室. 预约您的会议预约需要支付不可退还的费用. 请bat365的工作室安排您今天的课程!
- 另一个bat365 K-12学生和工作人员拍照日将于10月18日星期五举行.
10:00a Fall Blood Drive (BLOODMOBILE@ bat365 3050 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121)Fri, October 18 , 10:00am - 1:30pmBLOODMOBILE@ bat365 3050 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121bat365 Community,
bat365学生会很兴奋地宣布我们即将到来的献血活动! 这是一个极好的机会来回馈我们的社区,帮助拯救生命. 通过献血,你可以对那些有需要的人产生重大影响. Every donation can save up to three lives! 让我们团结起来,表明我们对这一重要事业的支持.
在www上安排你的献血预约.donors.vitalant.org and search for available
与Blood DriveCode:10055448联系,或致电877-258-4825寻求帮助.
Minor Donor Form Rev. 11 and bring your photo identification!
Seniors receive a cord if they donate!
For more information, please contact Mrs. Schmidt at schmil1@nv.ccsd.net
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe -
1:00p Virtual Financial Aid Workshop (Virtual Meet Code: bat365FinancialAid)Tomorrow , 1:00pm - 3:00pmVirtual Meet Code: bat365FinancialAid请在10月21日参加我们的虚拟会议,讨论FAFSA, learn about financial aid for college, and more!Meeting will cover 2024-2025 FAFSA details, types of financial aid, college financial planning and more!For questions contact Mrs. Sharpe- sharpjm@nv.ccsd.net
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe
→ Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings (点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.)Sep 30 - Oct 24点击下面的链接,与你的辅导员预约谷歌见面.
Juniors- Class of 2026 -
Mandatory Academic Planning Meetings
IMPORTANT: 和你的学术顾问预约 September 30th and October 24th 回顾你的学分,确保你顺利毕业,回顾你的学业和未来计划.
这次会议也是为了回答你关于高等教育选择的任何问题. (after graduation plans)
除特殊项目外,辅导员以ALPHA -姓氏命名
Ms. Attebery Specialist Counselor Mandatory Graduation Check with Mrs. Attebery
Mr. Peraza A - Do Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Peraza
Ms. Sinicki Dr -La Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sinicki
Mr. Parker Le-Ra Mandatory Graduation Check with Mr. Parker
Ms. Sharpe Re-Z Mandatory Graduation Check with Ms. Sharpe